Tuesday, March 23, 2010


God lives inside all the things that are a paradox and also lives inside all the things that have the fruits of the spirit and people expect other people to explain for this Godly paradox for them. Why doesn't everyone just ingore all questions they have of God's plan? There is no answer that is correct to that question.

1.a statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth.
2.a self-contradictory and false proposition.
3.any person, thing, or situation exhibiting an apparently contradictory nature.
4.an opinion or statement contrary to commonly accepted opinion.

Did I say that God lives inside of that? no.

That is the definition of a paradox but what a paradox actually is, is something that through all human thought and study cannot be proven either way to be right or wrong. That is how I think that God is in all paradox's. No human thought or study can prove either way that God is God and thats the way he intended it to be for us on earth because that is how it is and God is the one with the divine plan. Humans seem to think and understand that he/she is right and wrong because a true perfect civilization would not include so many fuzzy spots and would require less faith. I think that the humans perfect civilization is not perfect mostly because it is not God's plan but also because if we could prove God to be real then everyone would say they believe in him then either disobey him which makes him feel bad I would assume or follow him perfectly leaving no error.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Why Write

I keep justifying writing on the blog by saying its kinda fun and it makes me laugh. Writing for that reason alone changed everything I know about writing. I've always hated English classes and now I know why I've always been confused on both why people write and why people read stupid things. The answer I found is that writing is more like talking than people realize. It hints towards who we actually are and if you write something down that means a lot to you. You don't care if someone posts on your wall or w/e. But if you want to meet your audience half-way than you always end up learning more yourself than the audience learns from you. Thats why writing interests me.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


The number 23 haunts people perhaps more than 666. The only reason I am talking about this subject is because it currently 4:29pm Tues. Feb. 23, 2010. I am going to try my best to comfort you... for some reason I just got writers block.. its 4:33pm now.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Laws of Knowledge

Laws of Knowledge

I'm going to focus just on truth for a moment because what is proven to be untrue is the only complexity of understanding Knowledge.
There are many things that have been proven to be true in our known universe. For example, the Laws of Physics have been proven to be true and constant since moments after the big bang started (if you believe in the big bang). Most religions believe that there is a God or a Braman or some sort of Higher Power that created our known universe (very likely) and that when you die you somehow connect with that higher power. The place where that takes place is Heaven or Nirvana, and this is where a question flips everything we know about Knowledge.
Do the Laws of Physics apply in Heaven?..

The reason that flips everything about knowledge is because there is only wrong answers to that question because whatever Heaven is like. No one who is alive knows.

To continue I want to say that Physics, Psychology, and Philosophy are by far the most important tools of figuring out what is true and/or what you can teach yourself about knowledge. (going of topic) I call them "the trinity" of all knowledge. A normal person would probably say that they are the three P's of Learning but I'm not fond of the way the letter p sounds.

Laws of Knowledge is a bad title because truthfully, there are NO rules or Laws that apply to Knowledge. There is only guidelines. If you didn't know that already I probably just blew your mind!. Have no fear and finish the paragraph. What every human should accept is that it seems that Time travels in a straight line and whether it goes in a circle is irrellevent. Everything we know at this point in time, right now, is a combination of what the people in history knew and wrote down and what we have known since the beginning of time and that is that some things can't be proven by a person. Don't get me wrong, a lot of people have proven many theories to be true.

Here are the Laws/Guidelines of Knowledge..
There is what History proves to be true
There is what Humans prove to be true.
There is what is always true.

Thus, you have the trinity of knowledge. I can't believe I told you for free.

*** I am a Christian. If you don't know what that means, basically I believe that Jesus Christ was real and that when he conquered death, it somehow saved us all from our original sin.

any questions?

My first Blog.. I honestly can't think of anything.